Our Experiences

In our group presentations we start at 18:00 in Cusco´s Planetarium. We provide the transportation round trip.

Our meeting point is Regocijo´s square (also known as Plaza Cusipata) from the middleof the plaza, next to the fountain. We will pick up all visitors at 17:30 , we only wait 10 minutes. Then we walk a couple of blocks to the car that will take us to the planetarium. It is a 10-15minutes ride. The way back is also included.

Every group can be from 4 to 22 people, and we can receive up to two groups simultaneously. Furthermore we offer our visitors tours in English and Spanish. 


Join us for more.

Daily Shows

Discover the Southern Sky and the inca constellations.

Private Shows

Experience the journey in a private presentation.

Social Program

Designed for students and educational institutions.